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Conservative And Reform Uk Immigration Pledges

Immigration: What are Reform UK's policies?

Conservative and Reform UK immigration pledges

As the 2024 general election approaches, immigration is once again a key issue in British politics. Both the Conservative Party and Reform UK have pledged to reduce immigration, but their policies differ in some key respects.

The Conservative Party has pledged to reduce net migration to the "tens of thousands" by 2025. The party has also said it will introduce a points-based system for skilled workers, and will make it harder for unskilled workers to come to the UK.

Reform UK has pledged to reduce immigration to "sustainable levels". The party has said it will introduce a "one in, one out" policy, which would mean that for every immigrant who comes to the UK, one person must leave. Reform UK has also said it will introduce a "British jobs first" policy, which would give British workers priority for jobs over immigrants.

There are a number of key differences between the Conservative and Reform UK immigration policies. First, the Conservative Party has pledged to reduce net migration to the "tens of thousands", while Reform UK has pledged to reduce immigration to "sustainable levels". This suggests that Reform UK is willing to tolerate a higher level of immigration than the Conservative Party.

Second, the Conservative Party has pledged to introduce a points-based system for skilled workers, while Reform UK has not. This suggests that the Conservative Party is more concerned about the quality of immigration than Reform UK.

Finally, the Conservative Party has pledged to make it harder for unskilled workers to come to the UK, while Reform UK has not. This suggests that the Conservative Party is more concerned about the impact of immigration on the UK economy than Reform UK.
